Monday 7 December 2015

The Return

Hello People

It has been quite awhile since I last posted anything cancer related, but this hiatus with these words has come to an end. Various reasons can be attributed to the lack of reading material but generally these can be separated into two distinct groups, I was too busy and I was too lazy. A fun fact to note on this subject is that I am days a way from reaching three years out of treatment, which made me a least deal with the 'too lazy' side of my life, the busyness side though like most things in life is out of my control.

Rather than jumping straight in, if I may steal just a second of your time I'll do a quick recap. I'll try a be succinct don't worry. Rugby. Ow. Internet. Doctor. Tests. Fondling. More fondling. Even More Fondling. Ultrasound. Sinister Mass. Sadness. Family.
Is everyone caught up? Good lets continue.